Saturday, September 11, 2010

English Class

I think i finally got the hang of this blog thing lol and if nobody see sthis well then my grades in trouble but anyways yeah Mr.Potter assigning a 5 paragraph essay the first two weeks of school not cool =( but it wont matter cause i can write FOREVER bring it on !!!! we studied poetry in class that was okayy i write a lot myself soo it was kinda fun i like the stories too the ones we have to read like as a class were interesting are we gonna watch a lotta movies cause i mean in opinion i think we could learn a lot but... just a thought . i read ALL the time when i was a kid though and I was a huge fan of sherlock holmes when i was younger and when i found out he wasnt real i  was like heartboken i mean dreamt that i would meet him and we would torment Watson hahaha i love mystery and suspense but my favorite book of maybe all time and movie is Holes by Louis Sachar which i think is Historical Fiction which we could so watch just in case we happen to study that in class =D kinda nervous to be in this class caus ei mean if you givin out essays the first two weeks then... hello what are we gonna ghave for breaks not that we should have any  assignments because that would be sooo mean so we'll see 

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